Megan Gimmen

Megan Gimmen Taparra Lab

Megan Gimmen, BS



Medical Student MS2

Harvard Medical School

Clinical Trial Inclusion

Mogethin! I am an M2 at Harvard Medical School and am interested in Pacific Islander medical inequities, resource flows, and healthcare systems improvement. My goal is to give back to the communities that raised me and serve as a physician in our islands.

Hometown: Dededo, Guam

Undergrad: BS, University of Guam, Chemistry and Biology majors, Sociology minor (2020)

Contact: LinkedIn

Hobbies: I enjoy finding great coffee, baking, and comedy.

Congratulations to Ryan Benavente and Megan Gimmen on their publication in JAMA that discusses the nuances of "United States" data in the context of national health care economic burden and the importance of counting patients who are from the US-affiliated Pacific Islands. Their insight is invaluable to the Taparra lab.

The team published in JAMA Network Open a study titled "Racial Disparities in Cancer Stage at Diagnosis and Survival for Adolescents and Young Adults". We found that there are significant 10-year overall survival gaps among Indigenous Adolescent and Young Adults with the top 10 deadliest cancers in the United States. Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islanders make up some of the largest deficits in long-term survival. The findings highlight significant work to be done specifically for the Indigenous Adolesecent and Young Adult population with cancer.
